Monday, October 29, 2012


Hi everyone. I know this is the first post after a hiatus.  Lets just say that there has been LOTS of drama, some of which including bailing a friend out of jail. Right now I'm at work, and since we are a network operations center for a huge communications company, well... its crazy.  Please, all my New England readers be safe, let me know you are OK and that the sharks didn't get you.

Seriously, stay away from the sharks.


  1. I have read about the hurricane and hoping everyone gets through it safely. Is that a shark in front of someones house? Don't know if I would die of a heart attack first or a shark bite!
    Hope you are fine.

    1. Yes, apparently the surge brought them inland, though the majority of the picture out there are fake. This one, however, seems legitimate.

      Glad to see you on here!
