Saturday, January 28, 2012

What I Did When I Wasn't Sewing

Almost Perfect
I made bread! In fact, I've been doing this for some months now and I've just about got it down. I usually eat the crust end right out of the oven with butter.  When we get to the other end we cube it and stick it in the freezer.  So when I'm done here I'm gonna go make bread pudding. I'll tell you how that comes out!

Its really the first thing I'd felt like doing for almost a week now. The crazy weather, super long work hours, and my car having to get towed took its toll.  My back's been acting up (I had a bad injury five years back). But enough pity party for me. This week is looking up most definitely! I finished hand overcasting the inside of my blouse so I could wash it. I have the pieces of my bolero pattern ready to be cut out of muslin and I'm starting on my daughter's coat. So that's what is on my sewing table. What have ya'll been up to?  And its OK if you feel the need to vent about something too!  

I'll get the new project photos taken soon, promise.


  1. Its wheat! I do it by weight and use my dough hook on the Kitchen Aide (one of my favorite Christmas presents ever).

  2. Yum! That bread looks amazing!!!! (Going in search of food now - thinking of eating a warm crust fresh from the oven is making me hungry....)
